11. 7. 2022


Pavol won the court hearing and the court rulled that the warrant against Pavol was against law and Pavol should be freed from jail. Pavol Forisch's detention in Norway ended a few days ago, but despite this, his rights are being violated and he is still being held in Norwegian custody.

The Norwegian prosecutor appealed to the Supreme Court and at the same time issued a new arrest warrant in the same case, with the same reasoning, despite having no new evidence.

In our opinion, the following were violated:

  • Article 5 and Article 6 of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • Article 3 in relation to the length of detention and contradictions in the authorities' decisions

The Norwegian media, which also participated in the trial, became interested in Pavol's case, and Pavol gave an interview to them.

In addition to all this, Pavol sent a complaint to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic through his Norwegian lawyer and a proposal to cancel the final decision due to the discovery of several illegalities in the proceedings against him.

From the information in the submissions it results, that the prosecutor of the Office of the Special Prosecutor neglected his duties given by law and by his failure to act as part of his supervisory and investigative activities created the possibility for the police investigator to illegally detain Pavol FORISCH.

We consider the procedure of the investigator and prosecutor of the ÚŠP to be incorrect, bullying and contrary to the legal order of the Slovak Republic, because the documents in the proceedings were justified by evidence that contradicts the factual state of affairs, therefore there are reasonable doubts about their legality.

An immediate review of the procedure of the police officer and the prosecutor should be carried out in order to achieve the removal of illegalities – that is, the cancellation of the arrest warrant, mainly because the act for which Pavol FORISCH is to be detained did not take place as described in the motion for the warrant for arrest.

Questions and suspicions arise from the way the Norwegian police behaves.

Find out more in a shocking article that we will publish soon here: www.prinasamenadej.sk